Monday 5 December 2022


Sunlight is streaming in through the window,
caressing my face with its warmth,
the light it brings onto my skin,
is blowing away the dark clouds in my mind.

Can you feel how happy I am? I want this feeling to seep into these words and right through your screen and make petals of cherry blossoms to fall right around you! I want these words to billow a stream of breezes that kisses you in the cheek and swirl around you in a hug. I am thankful for the sunlight, and the warmth that it brings, and the feelings that it conjured in my heart. 

How do I ever tell the sun how much I love it? How do I ever let it know how I appreciate it so much? I hope by opening up the curtains and windows every morning and letting it stream into my room is enough of a love letter to it. 

The reflection of lights on the teapot, the stillness of a kitchen in the afternoon, everything that puts your existence under a magnifying glass, I shall love them all.

Friday 14 October 2022

the night before I'm being dropped off

Honestly... I am not ready. I am not ready for acting like I don't care around my housemates. I'm not ready for having to act like I'm a tough person on the outside, I'm not ready for not showing my emotions. 

I acted that way around my roommates in kml, but thinking about having to act that way me out.

I thought I would be happy finally being able to experience f2f classes, and experiencing the hustle and bustle of being a uni student... I thought I would be happy going away from home.

But thinking about the fact that I have to leave my mom...thinking about the fact that I won't be able to see her every week like I did in kml.... made me tear up.

I'll miss my mom so much. I'll miss her warmth. I'll miss everything about her. God. This sucks.

Saturday 1 October 2022

How My First Part Time Job Went!

 I quit my part time job! I was supposed to work until the 8th of October but I realized that I don't have the energy to go on for another 8 days so I decided to quit on the 29th (something triggered me to make such rushed decision but we're not gonna go into details about that T^T)

Quitting the job made me feel like I was born anew! (although ngl there's a lingering feeling of guilt weighing on my back but I'll take responsibility for that :') ) 

These 2 months of working definitely taught me a few things that I hope I would never forget and would be able to take advantage of. One of the lesson that I learned is to not be afraid to try new things. Of course you're not going to get immediately good at the things you just learned. It takes time and patience for you to master a certain skill. But that doesn't mean you should avoid doing it at all cost because "you're going to be bad at it". How else are you going to improve yourself if not by trying and practicing?

Sunday 31 July 2022

1st week in my 1st job!!

 omg!! I finally got my first job! T^T

The me a month ago would be in awe if she finds out that the me now has secured a part time job! And I am so proud of myself too :').  It definitely wasn't easy securing a part time job. Heck I didn't even know it was that hard. Honestly, I thought I could just apply to one vacancy spot and then I would be accepted immediately :/ turns out life is not that easy.

Wednesday 13 July 2022

BC #3|Something with which you struggle

I struggle with so many things.

I struggle with controlling my sugar intake, I struggle with waking up in the morning, I struggle with doing hard tasks, I even struggle with doing easy tasks like mopping the floor.

Yes, you can judge me. And yes, honestly most of the above stems from my own lack of discipline.

I assert very little self-control on myself. I do admit that. 

Thursday 7 July 2022

BC #2| Something you regret not having done last year

Every year has its own ups and downs, and every year the universe teaches you a lesson that leaves an impact in your life. The impact became the turning point in life that would influence every decisions you're gonna make from then onwards.

Wednesday 6 July 2022

BC #1 | Something you're looking forward to this year

One thing that I am looking forward to this year is going back to campus! I started my degree in October 2021 and all my classes were held online until now. Although having ODL has its own perks (like not having to worry about food or financial issues), I do want to fully experience my uni life. I want to feel the feeling of having to wake up for an 8am F2F class, walking back home with friends after a test, planning where to eat with my new found friends, and going to places I have never been to before!

TV Shows and Movies I've Enjoyed Recently

image source

We're halfway through 2022! Between all the assignments and uni events I've been so caught up with, I managed to squeeze in a few movies and TV shows (most of which I watched during procastination-hour but we're not gonna talk about that xP ) !

Monday 4 July 2022

First year of degree

wow...I'm done with my first year of degree (well, almost done. I still have my final exams to sit for and I'm writing a blog post as a form of procastination xP ). Two semesters feels so short and I can't believe I spent most of it sitting on my desk in my bedroom. I am supposed to be out there planning weekend getaways with my new found friends, going to places I have never been to before, and grumpily waking up early in the morning because I have to attend an 8 am physical class! Damn it pandemic why do you have to rob me out of the joy of being a first year? :( 

Monday 23 May 2022

the everchanging perspectives on life

As the years of teenage closes behind me, I took my first step into the world of adulthood. Now my horizon is expanding, when I open the door I am greeted with the sight of an open field. There are not one, not two, but hundreds and thousands of roads branching out of the path that I am standing on.

Thursday 3 March 2022

My Experience Studying in KML during pandemic

I remember feeling so excited before entering KML. A few weeks before entering matrics, I began searching on all platforms about alumni experiences and I remember reading a lot of blogposts from alumni....