Sunday 31 July 2022

1st week in my 1st job!!

 omg!! I finally got my first job! T^T

The me a month ago would be in awe if she finds out that the me now has secured a part time job! And I am so proud of myself too :').  It definitely wasn't easy securing a part time job. Heck I didn't even know it was that hard. Honestly, I thought I could just apply to one vacancy spot and then I would be accepted immediately :/ turns out life is not that easy.

I sent out my resumes to 12 different vacancy spots and only one called me to an interview. The rest of them just left me on seen :// Ngl I was very disappointed when I didn't get any follow up even a week after I sent out my first resume. But I slowly got adjusted to the pain of  rejection after the other 10 resumes I sent out was left on seen too (though it still stings). Maybe it has a lot to do with the fact that I have no previous work experience, and also the fact that they are all looking to hire a full timer.

But I am so glad I got asked to come for interview at the 12th vacancy spot I applied to! I was so nervous before the interview because I didn't know what kind of questions will be asked. Like what could they possibly want to know? My skills? Will they ask me to tell them about myself? Do I need to practice? Thankfully, the boss only asked some simple questions like am I planning to further my studies, my address and my previous job experience. 

Then he asked when will I be able to start working so I said "tomorrow" (I did my interview on Friday). So I started my job on a Saturday. And then I found out that we are only allowed to take 2 off days per month. I was shocked honestly because for the first time in my 20 years of life, I don't have the weekends to look forward to?! T^T

But I planned to just continue on the job because I'm only planning to work until my semester break is over, and besides I am not sure if there will be any other places that will accept me ://

Today marks my 8th day on the job! I honestly can't believe it has only been 8 days since I started! It feels like I've been working for at least a month now. 

Everyday has the same routine, we open the shop, refill whatever container is almost empty, clean the shop, cook, make drinks, arrange the stocks. But somehow I'm still not quite used to it. Like sometimes I don't even know what to do because everyone is already doing something and I'm just standing there in my own world. And I should remind myself to stop doing that especially when the boss is there. Like this morning he shouted at me because everyone is busy whereas I was just standing there.

Embarrassing I know. T.T. I lost count on how many times I've been scolded already. Ok honestly speaking, I wanted to appear as the perfect little person to my coworkers but the universe is not cooperating with me. :'D. So now I'm trying to accept myself as an imperfect character, but one that is  slowly improving. 

The perfectionist in my is screaming and writhing and throwing up though. But that's okay, I need to expose that part of me to the things that it hates so that I can accept the fact that I can't be perfect :D

Another thing that is hard for me is socializing with my coworkers. :/. They are really nice though, the teach me what to do kindly, and answers my questions patiently and honestly I am just so grateful I was sent into the same branch as them! But like other than that, I have nothing else to talk about with them. My social skills sucks. And seeing them having no problem making conversations with each other made me feel so left out and so sad. :'((

Although I keep on telling myself to just treat them as coworkers, there is a half part of me that wants to be friends and be close to them :((. But I just..ugh...I just don't know how to! Like I presented myself as a shy, slow voiced lil girl to them and I feel like I have to embody that character for my whole time there! T.T

I hope things will start to improve by the time a few more weeks have passed . :((

I think my first 3 days on the job was physically the most painful. Because my muscles were adjusting to everything. On my first day, my right arm cramped up so bad that it woke me up at 3 am. And I couldn't sleep on my side at all. Not to mention my heels. Since we were standing the whole day, and my legs were already used to me laying on my bed for hours on end, this sudden change of routine definitely shocked my muscles to the core.

But the passing of time eased the pain now, and my body slowly adjusted to it. I find myself being able to do things that I previously struggled to do! And that progress is so wonderful to experience.

Although work is tiring, but when I think back of my previous routine as a stay at home student, I honestly would much prefer having a job. At least I get to spend my time productively, even if it means being tired and having little to no free time that I can indulge myself in. 

One thing that I realized working in F&B is that everything you see is arranged by an actual person. Ok Ok I know this sounds stupid and that it's very obvious because how could the stores and the drinks you ordered assembled themselves right? But it's not until actually working as the "assembler" that I realized how there is a person behind every speckled free shelves, every stock arrangements, every food fried. And that made me want to appreciate all of the workers everywhere I go.

I hope I get to learn a lot of things through my experience at my first part time job. I hope at the end of the 2 months I get to come out as a changed person with new views and perspectives. :)) I hope I get the best out of this experience!

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