Thursday 7 July 2022

BC #2| Something you regret not having done last year

Every year has its own ups and downs, and every year the universe teaches you a lesson that leaves an impact in your life. The impact became the turning point in life that would influence every decisions you're gonna make from then onwards.
One thing that I regretted not having done last year was not pushing myself enough. After I was done with college, I spent the next few months waiting for our exam and UPU result at home - doing absolutely nothing.
I told myself I needed the time to rest because I've been through so much emotionally during my one year in college.  And I think I might have given myself too much "rest". I spent my days being really unproductive and lazy. 

I mean I could have follow a work-out routine, write on my blog, or do daily house chores, but I didn't. And the worst part of it is, I don't have any excuses for behaving that way. From taking some lazy days as a form of self care, it quickly turned into an excessive indulgence of being a couch potato.

I wasted my last year as a teen just like that. It definitely was my least productive months. 

Looking back, I definitely don't want to repeat the same mistake I did as last year. When I think about 2021, those few months of me being slothful does not bring joys of spring to my mind. It's like when I think about January to May, my college friends and all the fun things we did come to mind, and when I think about October to December, I remember being as busy as a bee with my first semester of university. But the period between June 'til September? It felt like a blackhole. :(

"The only calibration that counts is how much heart people invest, how much they ignore their fears of being hurt or caught out or humiliated. And the only thing people regret is that they didn't live boldly enough, that they didn't invest enough heart, didn't love enough. Nothing else really counts at all. "
- Ted Hughes
As someone who often hesitates in following what my heart tells me to do, that quote hits hard. From now on, I wish to lessen the possibility of the future me from getting sad over all the what-could-have-been.
~ ~ ~

This is a 30 day blogging challenge to improve my writing and to hopefully grow my blog! 
Challenge is from pinterest:

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