Wednesday 6 July 2022

BC #1 | Something you're looking forward to this year

One thing that I am looking forward to this year is going back to campus! I started my degree in October 2021 and all my classes were held online until now. Although having ODL has its own perks (like not having to worry about food or financial issues), I do want to fully experience my uni life. I want to feel the feeling of having to wake up for an 8am F2F class, walking back home with friends after a test, planning where to eat with my new found friends, and going to places I have never been to before!

I am so curious on how I'm going to adapt myself to live and meet with new people. How is the relationship between me and my roommates? How about with my course mates? Did I make new friends other than my course mates? Who will I go on walks and malls with? How would I make sure I don't repeat the same mistakes I did while in college?

Ahh everything sounds so exciting and fun and scary! I can't wait to find out all the answers to my questions (dear future me, if you're reading this, please let me know the answers to my questions! Was I too naive to think of such hopeful things? Or did my excitement age well? Let me know everything please!) I am really looking forward to making new friends too! I really hope to meet good people and I hope to be the good people for my friends as well! Will I meet more kindred spirits like I did in college? I certainly hope so! I should stop dwelling too much on the future. It's starting to feel scary thinking about the things I can't control :<

Here are a few of the things I wish to do as a student living in campus

-Relationship wise-

1. to have a good relationship with my roommates.

- I learned from my past mistake in college that communication is key. I regret it so much not    communicating with my college roommate back then. Now we don't even save each other's phone number anymore. I honestly feel like me and my then roommate would have been such good friends if only we actually talk. It's so sad to think of all the what-ifs and what-could-have-beens :(.

2. to be more friendly.

-Back then in college my social anxiety striked like it has never been before. I didn't even know my social anxiety could get that bad! I ended up smiling lesser to people, and only hang out with my few close friends. But now that I am aware of my social anxiety, I could find ways on how to adapt with it while still being social. Maybe not immediately, but definitely through small steps. :)
3. to not limit myself to only a certain group of friends.

-I hope I won't depend with only a few friends in uni :(. I would love to get to know new people, and I would love to expand my social circle. I still need to be careful though because people can get scary sometimes but I believe expanding my social circles would bring more new opportunities and experiences for me!
-Management wise-
4. to manage my spending better.

-back then in college, I would splurge on food everytime I feel emotionally unstable. Which, first of all made me gained weight, and also leave me with only RM10 a week before I get my allowance. I always told myself that I will be able to hold my hunger but when the time comes I really can't! Future me need to learn from this. (Don't spend too much on food! Set a limit! And control yourself!)
5. to have balance

-Be kind to yourself. Study is important but don't coop up in your room the whole day. Read a book, watch some movies, take a walk outside. Balance your activities to take a better care of yourself! Your mind and body will thank you for it. <3
6. to not be afraid to join activities and competitions

- remember that this is the time for you to discover yourself! Learn what you like or dislike, who knows you would enjoy things that you never knew before!

This is a 30 day blogging challenge to improve my writing and to hopefully grow my blog!
Challenge is from pinterest :

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